February is Pet Dental Health Month: Why Your Pet’s Smile Matters

Pet Dental Month

Did you know that February is National Pet Dental Health Month? While we often focus on keeping our pets active and well-fed, their dental health is just as important. Poor dental hygiene can lead to serious health issues, including infections, heart disease, and chronic pain. This month is the perfect reminder to prioritize your pet’s…

How to Keep Your Pets Safe and Happy on Halloween


Halloween is a fun holiday filled with costumes, decorations, and, of course, plenty of treats! But for our furry friends, Halloween can be a little more “trick” than “treat.” From strange costumes to doorbell-ringing visitors, the holiday comes with sensory overload that can leave pets feeling nervous or confused. Here’s how to make Halloween fun…

Why Dogs Need to Chew

Dog Bones

As a pet sitter, one of the most common things I hear from dog owners is how their furry friend loves to chew on everything—from shoes to furniture to the occasional TV remote! It might seem like a frustrating habit at first, but believe me, dogs have some very valid reasons for their love of…

Lifetime Microchip Registration

AKC ReUnite

Microchips are a necessity for pets. They account for reuniting 90% of lost pets. Pets can’t tell you they are lost or where their home is. A microchip is the only definitive way to prove ownership. BUT, you HAVE to register the microchip. There are many different microchip companies. All have many price options for…

Cats at Home Require Every Day Care

Waggs Purrs Pet Sitting

If ever there were a creature of habit, it would be the domesticated cat. They have preferred napping spots, favorite toys, and enjoy the peacefulness of their quiet home. Cats, as individuals, know when their people are not home. They do miss them. YOU HAVE A CHOICE Cat care while you’re away is fundamental for…

Pick Up the Poop

Potty Like a Rockstar

In most cities, communities and neighborhoods, there’s a fine if you don’t pick up your dog’s waste. I definitely agree with laws regulating clean streets free from dog waste, but the reality is, it’s never enforced. To be honest, during my dog walks, I’ve yet to actually witness someone NOT picking up after their dog…but…

Senior Kitty Care

Senior Kitty

I came across this video and wanted to share it. This lovely woman is caring for her senior cat by make sure he is clean. Most elderly cats cannot groom themselves as they age so proper washing of his fur is so important. Watch this video to see how it’s done. I’m sure it will…

Potty Like A Rock Star – Teach Your Dog to Potty on Command

Wouldn’t it be great if your pup could potty on command? Think about long car rides or hotel stays. When you only have a specific amount of time for a bathroom break, you want your dog to “go” as well. Training your dog to potty on cue takes some patience, but once this behavior is…

Fruits & Veggies for Dogs

Doggie Fruits & Veggies

Shop for veggies & fruit for your pup too! You can share these healthy groceries with your pets! ::always check with your veterinarian first:: We’re passionate about providing the best care for your furry family members, whether it’s through our pet sitting services or sharing helpful tips and insights. If you have any questions or…