Wouldn’t it be great if your pup could potty on command? Think about long car rides or hotel stays. When you only have a specific amount of time for a bathroom break, you want your dog to “go” as well.
Training your dog to potty on cue takes some patience, but once this behavior is learned, it is very useful.
To get started, determine what that trigger word will be – “go potty,” “potty,” “go pee.” Stick with that phrase and everyone in the household should use it too.
Know when it’s time to go. You know your dog and when it’s time for her to potty so set her up to succeed. Dogs usually have to potty after eating, playing and after waking. Take her outside on a leash (at first) so you can control her activity. Quietly pace until you see her about to squat, then use your trigger word – “go potty.” When she relieves herself, give lots of verbal praise. You can even use small, high-value treats (like chicken). After using your trigger word while on leash for about a week, try off-leash training. Do not say anything if they don’t potty because sometimes they simply do not have to go. Only praise after you’ve used the cue and she potties.
Be consistent, but never harsh. You don’t want her to be afraid to eliminate. It’s a process. It CAN be done. My dogs have learned this command and it has been invaluable throughout their life.
After the behavior is learned in your own yard, it’s important to use it in other situations like the dog park or even during a neighborhood walk. That way she won’t be programmed to ONLY eliminate in your yard.
Use your cue every time your dog needs to potty.
Next time you’re at an event, a hotel, a campground, or anywhere there’s a designated pet area, ‘WOW’ your fellow dog lovers with your pet’s genius.
Now, go potty!
We’re passionate about providing the best care for your furry family members, whether it’s through our pet sitting services or sharing helpful tips and insights. If you have any questions or want to learn more about how we can support your pet’s well-being, feel free to reach out to us.
Until next time, give your pets an extra cuddle from us! 🐾
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